Wednesday, 7 September 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Care Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, August 31, 2016


1. Opening Prayer: Norm Murray offered the opening prayer. 

2. Meet and Greet: Anwar and Nour were greeted by the committee.  Birthday wishes were given to Nour as we celebrated with cake and refreshments.  This was the couple's first opportunity to meet the entire committee.   

3. Agenda: Norm asked for a review of the agenda.
 It was accepted as presented. 

4.Approval of Minutes: Norm asked for a motion to approve the minutes of August !0. The motion was moved by Theresa O'Connor and seconded by Rudy Habesch.  The minutes were approved as distributed and the motion carried. 

5. Introduce Anwar and Nour to the Committee: Done informally under item 2 on the agenda.

6. Update on the August 31 Meeting with Erin Pease and the Couple: Norm stated that Erin told them what they needed to know about Canada.  This was in preparation for their meeting with Immigration Canada in Hamilton on Tuesday, September 6.  Anwar said that he has a younger brother in Turkey who may like to come to Canada in the future.  Erin asked them if they felt comfortable coming to a Catholic Church.  They replied that they were fine with the invitation. On Monday, Charmaine Aubut and Sharon Cebrowski took them to the Morden Road DAR Mosque and they were grateful.  Anwar has an app on his cellphone that plays whenever it is time for prayer. 

7. Report on Arrival and Settlement Plan Actions Taken:

            a. Settlement Plans Accomplished/Scheduled: Sharon Cebrowski said that the meeting at HMC on Monday, August 29 went well.  They already have 2 designated spots for language training starting on Wednesday, September 7.

They are to be tested on September 1 for their language skills.  Apparently Anwar can read and write in Arabic and knows a few English words.  Nour is unable to read and write Arabic.


They will be accompanied to Service Ontario on Friday, September 2 to apply for their OHIP card.  Julia Hillock is concerned because there is no male Arabic speaking doctor at the office that has been booked for the October appointment.  Nayer Agaiby will ask Anwar if this is a problem for him.  Anwar may have an allergic reaction on his face,  Charmaine and Sharon will stop at a local pharmacy tomorrow to obtain a topical cream.


Sharon said that the funding for free bus passes will run out at the end of September.  Connie Booth stated that they will be given bus passes once they begin Language Classes.


HMC could provide free translators but would need a week's notice.

HMC has advised them to apply for subsidized housing as soon as possible because the waiting list could take up to a year.


Nerina Murray went grocery shopping with them on Monday to Food Basics.  They should be able to navigate on their own because it is within walking distance.


She also introduced them to the downtown library last Friday, where they can get free Wi-Fi.

The day they arrived she took them to a local restaurant on Kerr Street to familiarize them with the neighbourhood.


            b. Issues/Concerns/Needs.  They need blankets.  If used, blankets must be dry cleaned with the dry cleaning cover visible.

Clothing is currently sufficient.

A bicycle is needed for Anwar, along with 2 kickstands and 2 bells and a basket. 

Maury Whyte will design a template that will state when a ride is needed and volunteer drivers can fill in their availability.


8. Area Orientation: Charmaine stated that a goal of the Settlement Plan is to orient the couple to Oakville and area.  She asked who would be willing to accompany them either on their own or with their family to some of the local points of interest.  Karen had said she would take them to the Farmer's Market and/or Kelso.  Connie stated that once they begin Language Training a bus tour of Oakville is included.  If interested in accompanying them to one of the following, please advise Charmaine: Oakville and Bronte Harbours, Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Sixteen Mile Creek, Gairloch Gardens, Coronation Park, Royal Botanical Gardens, Town Hall or the Regional Municipal Building.

There are several restaurants in the area that serve Mediterranean food:  Montfort on Iroquois, Oakville Halal Grill on Kerr St., Maro's on Kerr, Agabi, Adonis, Sidra at Fourth Line.  We must be careful that we don't set them up for failure, not being able to afford these on their income.

Some recreation centres and community centres offer low cost programs: YMCA and indoor pools.  The movie theatre at Kerr and Speers Road offers “Toonie Tuesdays” and there is bowling at South Oakville Centre.

Fr. D'Sa suggested that we give the couple some space to explore their surroundings on their own and adjust to Canadian life.         


9. Update on Cell Phone, Data Plan and Internet Service: Brian Thornton arranged a plan with Fido as it seems to be the plan that requires the least number of identification specifications.

They have a Canadian number.  Only those who need it will be able to access it.

He stated that the refugee fund now stands at $30,000. because of expenses incurred with the apartment set up and four postdated cheques have been issued for the apartment rental.


10. Welcome Dinner Update: Georgina Bourke stated that Thursday, September 8 seemed to suit the committee.  She expressed her regrets to those who could not attend.   We will gather in the at 5:30.  Dinner at 6 pm.  Several members offered to help with the set-up arrangements.

A suggestion was made that perhaps around Thanksgiving their could be a Spaghetti Supper where we could introduce them to the parish.

11. Other Business:
Sharon reminded us not to post the couples picture on Facebook and other social media because it is an invasion of their privacy.
  • Karen Dysart has a gift certificate from Diana Saulez for indefinite hair care for the couple at Salon de Soliel at Lakeshore and Trafalgar.
    12. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 21, 7 pm Parish Centre

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