Regrets: Charmaine
Aubut, Rudy Habesch, Genevieve Poirier-Murphy and Helen Danko
1. Opening Prayer: Norm
Murray asked us to pray quietly for Anwar and Nour. We offered The Lord's Prayer together for
their intentions.
2. Agenda: Norm asked for
a review of the agenda.
It was accepted with the addition
under 10. Other Business (bullet 3) Application for subsidized housing.
3. Approval of Minutes:
Norm asked for a motion to approve the minutes of August 31. The motion was
moved by Maury Whyte and seconded by Karen Dysart. The minutes were approved as revised.
4. Review
Welcome Dinner: Norm thanked everyone involved in making the dinner a
success. It was a time for the committee
to get to meet the couple and to get to know each other in a social setting. Karen will check with the Parish
Social Committee to see if their is a parish social function planned where
parishioners could meet Anwar and Nour.
5. Health Care Appointments:
Julia Hillock has rescheduled their doctor's appointments till Thursday,
September 29 at 5 pm. because the dentist has asked that Anwar have blood
tests. Georgina Bourke will drive them.
6. Report on Actions,
Experiences and/or Difficulties Regarding the Settlement Plan:
- Food-Norm and Nerina drove them to Adonis Mediterranean Grocery Store in Mississauga. Perhaps this could be a monthly trip because the main purpose of our sponsorship is for them to become independent.They qualify for a weekly Fresh Food Box that they can access at St. Aidan's Anglican Church on Queen Mary Drive and Washington Ave.
- Bicycles-Sid Cebrowski delivered the bicycle that Norm donated for Anwar. They are in need of a bell, locks and reflectors for the bikes. Sid will look for these items.There maybe storage space provided in the basement apartment building.
- Clothing-Nerina took them to buy winter coats at Winners. She also took them downtown to Safetynet (226 Randall St., Suite 101, 905-845-2595) where they could choose free clothing and were invited to come back as needed.
- Transportation-Charmaine Aubut went with Nour to get a student rate ($1.75) Presto card. She road the bus with the couple to show Nour how to go to school and back. She is comfortable with this because other ladies in the apartment attend classes at Thomas Merton. She can reload the card at the Go Station or Library. An adult cash fare is $3.50. They are eligible for a monthly Oakville bus pass beginning in October. This allows them to ride the bus for free. Once she gets the bus pass she has to return the Presto card.Anwar and another student living in the same apartment building have been sharing rides through arrangements made by Charmaine with HMC and Church of the Incarnation who are sponsoring the other student. HMC is seeking a driver who would take the 4 Oakville students on a regular basis. Until then we have agreed to share the driving between the 2 churches.7. Deferred to next meeting8. Budget Update: Brian Thornton states that the budget is looking good. We had $39,080 and spent $5,000. Since the government portion of the sponsorship will begin in October, it will go to pay for the rent and Brian will issue 2 cheques a month each for $400. to be used for food, etc. We must help them to understand that whatever we buy them comes out of the fund that we have budgeted for them. Brian and Karen will help them to set up a monthly budget.Anwar received a rental bill from Homestead because there was a mix up between the apartment rental office and their head office. Brian clarified the situation for Anwar.Nour is in need of a cellphone and Anwar needs the internet for school. After discussion Brian, Karen and Nayer will take them to Best Buy on Saturday. Norm will check with Anwar's instructor to discuss what is needed.As stated in the December 8, 2015 minutes, sponsors may choose to cover the Canadian Government Immigration Loan for Transportation and Admissibility which could amount to $5,000. This invoice is expected to arrive in the near future. The following motion was presented: Moved by Karen Dysart Seconded by Nerina MurrayThat The Refugee Fund cover the cost of the Transportation and Admissibility Loan for Anwar and Nour to come to Canada. Motion CarriedNorm asked Nayer if Anwar had talked about their families. Nayer replied that Anwar said that they had both lost a brother in the war besides Anwar having a brother in Turkey, Nour has a sister in Sweden. Norm mentioned that when they had their meeting with Immigration and Erin Pease, Anwar had mentioned his hope of bringing his brother to Canada. Erin had told him at that time what would be required and how to go about it. Norm asked the committee to consider this option to assist them in this undertaking.9. Calendar: Maury Whyte has created a Google Calendar which can be used to post appointments and driver requests. It seems to be working well and is very useful and user friendly.10. Other Business:
- Norm informed the committee that several workshops were being offered by the Social Safety Net (Halton Region at 1151 Bronte Rd. From 7 to 9 pm) September 22-Halton Community Legal Services September 29-Housing Stability October 6-Employment MattersSharon mentioned that she and Charmaine attended a workshop the previous evening at the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) on Cornwall Rd. at Maplegrove. She said that Anwar was also present. The purpose of the workshop was to talk about issues that newcomers may experience in Canada and to inform them of free referrals and how they can access services at any time.
- Norm circulated the committee vacation calendar for updating.
- Norm asked if the application for subsidized housing had been submitted. Needs follow up information.11. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 2, 7:45 pm Parish CentreFr. D'Sa offered a prayer for all people involved with the care and well being of Nour and Anwar that they may always feel respected and welcomed by the people they meet.