Thursday, 23 June 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Care Committee Meeting Minutes



Regrets: Fr. Anderson, Connie Booth, Julia Hillock, Theresa O'Connor, and Sid & Sharon Cebrowski

 1. Opening Prayer: Karen Dysart asked Brian Thornton to lead us in prayer as we prepare to receive Anwar and Noor.

 2. Agenda: Item 5 a) Name Tags was added.   The agenda was then accepted as modified.

 3. Approval of Minutes: A motion was moved by Rudy Habesch and seconded by Genevieve Poirier-Murphy to approve the minutes of May 25, 2016.

 4, Clergy Update: Karen stated that there will be full cooperation from the new pastor.

 5. BVOR Plan Update

            a) Diocese of Hamilton: Erin Pease will advise the committee when she hears from the government.  We are requested not to call regarding this issue.


            b) Housing: Permanent- Helen Danko stated that an apartment has been leased for August 6.  Helen and Brian submitted the required documentation and the application has been approved by the landlord.  The couple will sign the lease after they arrive.  The unit is one bedroom on the 15th floor facing Sixteen Mile Creek at 199 Queen Mary Drive.  The rent is $1,320.  Cable has to be arranged with a provider and it will be newly painted.  Since the windows are floor to ceiling Helen will enquire whether the present renters would sell/donate the window coverings.  An elevator will be be set aside for two hours on the moving day.   Karen thanked Helen, Brian and Charmaine for their efforts to secure housing.  
            Temporary- Liz and Maury Whyte have checked out accommodation at Sheridan College student residences for couples at 1410 Trafalgar Rd.  The suites have 2 bedrooms, bathroom and kitchenette with a fridge and microwave.  There is weekly housekeeping with linens, bedding and toiletries supplied.  There is a communal kitchen, bring your own dishes and cookware.  The cost is $47. per night, including tax.  The committee consensus was that this is a viable temporary accommodation if available when the couple arrives.  


            c) Medical: Marg Humphrey reported that Julia Hillock has made doctor and dental appointments for the couple.

Medical booked for Tues., Oct. 4th, 9 am with Dr. Rizk (Arabic speaking) at Oak Park Medical.

This is a female doctor if Anwar is uncomfortable, there are 2 non Arabic speaking male doctors at this location.

Dental booked for Monday, September 12th 10 am with Dr. Tawil (Arabic speaking) on Kerr Street.(arrive at 9:30 to fill out forms).

The appointments were booked for these dates to ensure OHIP and IFH coverage.

            d) Donation of Goods: Karen stated that if anyone asked about or requested a tax receipt, it is for new items only and a receipt must be submitted.

A volunteer schedule was circulated for assistance after masses on June 18-19 and collection of goods on Saturday, June 25 between 1 and 3 pm.  Volunteers are asked to mark “received” on the list of items as they are brought in.  The items will be stored behind the curtains in the parish hall.  For larger items, parishioners are asked to hold on to them until the couple arrive and are able to choose for themselves.  Anyone who cannot keep the item that long will be advised that St. Vincent de Paul may be able to use it. 


            e) Approved Drivers: Genevieve added her name to the volunteer driver list.  Although drivers need someone to accompany them, that person does not have to be a member of the committee nor screened by the parish.  Nerina Murray said that she can accompany a driver.


            f) Language Training: Liz stated that Sheridan College offers LINC at levels 5 & 6.

Rudy mentioned that his wife Lina has been hired by the HRCSB as a Settlement Worker and the board offers ESL classes at Thomas Merton Centre on Speers Road.  Rudy to check if ESL is free or is there a charge.

Charmaine will purchase a deck of Arabic to English language cards for $10.  If anyone is interested, contact her.


            g) Welcome Dinner: Georgina said that Charmaine and her had a delicious dinner at Adonis Restaurant.  They talked to the owner Kerry and she will provide the following meal for $25.  A 6 oz. chicken slovaki skewer, a shish kafta (beef) skewer, rice, taboule and hummus with pita bread.  Committee members who wish to attend will pay for their own meal. 

Another point mentioned was the fact that if they arrive on or before July 6, it is Ramadan, so the welcome meal may have to be after that fast.

Charmaine talked to her about the fact that she had offered a job for one of them.  She believes that it is an opportunity to learn working English as she allows only English to be spoken in the kitchen.  She also believes that it boosts their self esteem to be earning some money.  There was an area of concern as to whether they could be earning a wage as long as they were being sponsored by the government.  Norm/Karen to check this out with Erin.


            Identified Gaps and Need for Assistance

                        1) Bus Transportation: Nerina and Charmaine volunteered to familiarize themselves with the bus routes and orient the couple regarding the system.


                        2) Communications: Sybil Percy made enquiries regarding a land line vs. a cellphone.  A land line seems to be more expensive.  It was decided to wait until they arrive to supply them with a cellphone and possible computer.


6.Calendar of Activities: Karen composed a calendar for the first 2 week post arrival. The committee is to fill in their section and email it to her or bring a copy to the next meeting.

Norm is putting together a Vacation Calender.  Send him your away times till September.


            a)-Arrival Day- Sharon is to bring documentation for their arrival, i e proof of address.

            -Arrival Binder & Name Tags- Genevieve showed us the arrival binder that she has put together for the couple.  She distributed name tags to the committee with their picture and name in English and Arabic.  These should be worn when volunteering with the couple and at the parish when volunteering for the committee. 


7. Transfer Committee Chair back to Norm

Norm thanked Karen for the excellent work done in his absence.


            a) Next Meeting: Tentative date- Wednesday, June 29 at 7 pm. in the Parish Centre

            If couple arrives before then, a quick meeting may be called.


The Household is Being Prepared!

The Household is Being Prepared!

On the weekend of July 18th and 19th, St Dominic Parishioners stepped up and signed up to supply items for the new home of our family.  The Committee members were delighted with the response and generosity of everyone.  We even received new ideas and new offers of help. 

We have also received photographs of living room and kitchen/dining room furniture.  We will let our family select from the pictures.  If you have any bedroom furniture, end tables, lamps, etc, please keep us in mind and email a photo to  Thank you!

Friday, 3 June 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Care Committee Meeting Minutes May 25, 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Care Committee Meeting Minutes 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 


1. Opening Prayer: Karen Dysart asked Liz Whyte to lead us in a prayer for guidance as we prepare to receive Anwar and Noor.  We concluded with The Lord's Prayer. 


2. Introduce New Volunteers Present: Karen introduced new attendee Marg Humphrey who will be helping in the area of health. 

Members identified themselves around the table including how long they had be members of the parish. 

Regrets: Fr. Michael Anderson, Nerina and Norm Murray, Connie Booth and Theresa O'Connor 


3. Agenda: Item 5 of the agenda was removed and replaced with Housing: Temporary and Permanent.  It was then accepted as modified. 


4. Approval of Minutes: A motion was moved by Genevieve Poirier-Murphy and seconded by Charmaine Aubut to approve the minutes of May 11, 2016. 


5. Housing: a) Temporary- Karen advised the committee that the Rectory is no longer an option.  She also stated that Georgina Bourke's offer of her downstairs is not recommended because she lives alone. 

Liz mentioned that Sheridan College has student residences for couples that may be open in the summer.  The committee agreed that this could be our best option at the present time.  Liz will find out the cost and availability. 

b) Permanent- Helen Danko stated that the apartment that was available through the Rotary Club has been rented.  She may have a lead on a 2 bedroom apartment on Bronte Rd. (next to Amico) that could be available on August 1.  She stated that at $1,350 monthly, it is above the housing budget planned for but because this is a high rate rental area it is likely our best choice at this time.  The committee agreed that if it is available and there could be an option to acquire a one bedroom within the building if it became empty that we should rent it. 

Georgina mentioned that she is still looking into the basement apartment rental. 


6. List of Approved Volunteer Drivers: Liz circulated a sheet for volunteer drivers to sign with their days and times available.  The committee was reminded that a Volunteer Driver Form had to be submitted to the parish office before they could be listed. 


7. Refugee Settlement Plan BVOR Version from Pre-arrival through Two Weeks Post Arrival: 

a) Committee Members Progress Reports 

-Arrival Binder- Genevieve has had Rudy Habesch translate the letter of welcome into Arabic for the binder.  She showed the committee red T-shirts with Canada on the front that could be worn by the airport greeters.  Anyone interested in wearing it should contact her for details on where to purchase them. 

-Management of In Kind Donations- Karen reported that Theresa's committee plans to start the three week donation period from June 11th to 26th weekends.   

-Budget and Finances- Brian Thornton stated that the Office of Refugees at the Chancery Office did not accept the revised budget, so he is resubmitting the original budget. 

Scotia Bank welcomes Syrian Refugees in their language. 


-Education (Adult)- Sharon Cebrowski showed a deck of cards to be given to the couple that translates words and simple phrases from English to Arabic.  She will look into the prospect of purchasing them for committee members who are interested. 


-Culture and Trauma- Charmaine contacted HMC regarding making a presentation to the committee on cultural sensitivity training.  The cost would be $250.  She informed us that St. Raphael Parish in Burlington is offering this presentation on June 8 at 7pm.  The cost is $10 per person payable at the door.  It was the consensus that those interested would attend the Burlington presentation.  Sybil Percy volunteered to contact the parish to let them know how many would attend. 


-Arrival Day- Sharon mentioned that all committee members wanting to greet the couple at the airport and or at the welcome meal should feel free to do so.  Rudy said that this is a good idea because when anyone arrives for a visit the whole family goes to meet them and the more people the merrier for a special occasion.  Georgina asked to let her know if your name is not already on the list in order to have enough food. Karen offered to help with the set up. 


-Transportation-Sharon mentioned that HMC has monthly free bus passes for the first 2 months of arrival and half price passes for up to a year.   


-Shopping and Clothing-Georgina volunteered to take the couple grocery shopping.  She found a Syrian Grocery List at  The site also has recipes and a list of useful kitchen utensils.    


-Community Services-The YMCA offers a 3 month free membership to newcomers. 


b) Gaps Needing Assistance-Cellphone/home phone and provider 

-Which committee member is responsible? 


8. Budget: Discussed above. 


9. Other Business: None 


10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 15 at 7 pm. in the Parish Centre. 


FYI: June 20 is World Refugee Day