Sunday, 3 April 2016

Good News!

A family has been identified for St. Dominic Parish and the Refugee Committee, led by Fr. Mike, has accepted them for sponsorship.  We will welcome a family of two; a husband and wife from Syria currently with refugees in Lebanon.  Our Journey and their Journey are drawing closer.  As more information is available we will share it here.  Join us on our journey of hope.

Sub-Committee Minutes re Housing and Furnishings, March 29, 2016

Attending: Fr. Mike Anderson, Norm Murray, Karen Dysart, Nerina Murray, Helen Danko, Brian Thornton, Theresa O'Connor

When the time is right to furnish the rented home for the family, we will follow a three week plan. The plan is guided by the following principles:

  • The parish must have an opportunity to contribute to the needs of the family
  • The family must have the opportunity to make choices about furnishing their home.  
The three week plan will be 1) Announcement  2) Sign up weekend 3) Drop off items at church.

Week One:
A announcement will be made at all Masses by Theresa O'Connor that we will have sign up sheets the following week where parishioners can sign up to provide specific items. A list will be inserted in the bulletin. Furniture (couch, end tables, kitchen tables, chairs, dressers) will be handled by photograph.  The family will select the pieces for their home and we will arrange a pick up with the donor.

Week Two:
Sign up opportunities will be at all masses.The committee will have volunteers to assist at each.  
The household goods will be divided up by area (kitchen, bathroom, etc) and spread out in the narthex to make it easy to access.  The team will accept photographs or emailed photos of furniture.

Week Three
The team will be at the Masses to accept the donation and do a check for quality. Items that we have not requested will be considered (did we forget something important?) and if not needed, gracefully declined.  Alternatively, if we can coordinate with the St. Vincent de Paul Society, it can be passed to them. Item storage will be determined.  Offers: the Murray garage, the area behind the Parish Hall curtains.