Thursday, 28 January 2016

St Dominic Refugee Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan. 19, 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Care Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


1. Opening Prayer: Norm Murray led us in a prayer supplied by Genevieve “Pope Francis's
Prayer for the Holy Year of Mercy”.
Norm welcomed first time attendees Sid Cebrowski and Theresa O'Connor.
Present: Norm & Nerina Murray, Liz & Maury Whyte, Charmaine Aubut, Genevieve Poirier-
Murphy, Sharon & Sid Cebrowski, Karen Dysart, Bill Doyle, Brian Thornton, Fr. Anderson,
Theresa O'Connor and Georgina Bourke
Regrets: Helen Danko, Jill Hillock

2. Agenda: The agenda was accepted as revised.

3. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Charmaine, seconded by Karen to approve the minutes of January 12, 2016 as distributed.                                                Motion carried.


4. Approve Changes to the Committee Charter dated January 16, 2016
Norm distributed hard copies of the revised Charter.
Karen suggested an amendment that would make provisions for a decision to be made in the
event that a full committee public meeting could not be held. The amendment was accepted.
The section reads as follows: page 3-Decision Making- paragraph 2 -last sentence The other
Committee Members, unable to attend will be asked to submit their comments by email. The decision will be made by majority vote of the members attending the meeting with due regard of the email comments received.
A motion was made by Genevieve, seconded by Maury to approve the amended Charter.
                                                                                                                    Motion carried. 

5. Diocesan and Revised HMC Settlement Plans: Norm distributed hard copies of these Plans
and is combining the 2 plans into one working model that should be less confusing. He has
transferred the Diocesan Settlement Check-List into Excel and suggested that we use this
program for our working documents.
A few changes were made to the Diocesan Settlement Check-List as follows: (pages were hand numbered by each committee member present to allow for easier discussion)
page 4-Newcomer Arrival Binder: remove Sharon insert Genevieve
page 5-Education (if applicable): add Genevieve and Sid to investigate Primary and
Secondary schools in the area of possible accommodation location
-Culture and Trauma: remove Sharon insert Bill Doyle (Crisis, Trauma, Emergencies)
-Newcomer Serving Organizations: remove Sharon
ARRIVAL DAY: task 3 and 4: remove Sharon
page 7-Health Care: add Julia Hillcock
-Education for Children: remove Liz insert Genevieve and Sid
Norm asked that we review the document and email or come to the next meeting where their
name would be added or deleted.

Additions to subcommittee chairs: G. Education-Primary>Genevieve Secondary>Sid
                                                         I. Health-Julia Hillcock Crisis, Trauma, Emergencies>Bill

Each committee chair is to form their own subcommittee who will meet as necessary. These
meetings are to be shared in writing with the whole committee at the next Refugee Care
Committee Meeting.
Fr. Anderson advised Norm that he will give him the name of a volunteer who can help with
interpretation and language translation. 

6. HMC Budget Pricing Spreadsheets: Norm distributed copies of the spreadsheets. After
discussion, it was felt that many of the items would be obtained by nearly new donations.
7. Diocesan BVOR Budget Template and Ontario Works (Social Assistance) Rates: Norm
provided copies of these to everyone. He reminded us that our Budget Plan has to be in line
with the Social Assistance Rates outlined in Ontario Works because the family must live within these guidelines after Sponsorship ends.
Karen and Brian will work on a BVOR Budget Plan for the next meeting.
Brian said the fundraising account is $36,135.00 to date. 

8. Clarification from Erin Pease, Hamilton Diocese on the Screening Process: All committee
members and those sub committee members who will come in direct contact with the
newcomers must have a Vulnerable Persons Police Record Check that has been issued within
the last 6 months. 

9 Progress of Police Checks and Parish Screening: Most had received the police check
and submitted it to the parish office with their Volunteer Screening Form. Norm urged
those who had not received their police check to submit the Volunteer Screening Form to the parish and bring in the police check when it arrives.
Fr. Anderson will be doing the Parish Volunteer Screening himself.

10. Housing: Helen Danko contacted Nerina regarding a 2 bedroom apartment near Hixon on
Nelson Street. The cost would be $1,100. Nerina, Genevieve and Georgina will look at it.
Georgina asked if it would be possible to take the apartment if it seemed a suitable option.
Father did not agree with taking the place ahead of time as the funds raised belonged to the
family being sponsored not to the committee. He reminded us that we have to trust in the Lord, He will provide.

11.Other Business Discussed:
            Norm asked “How many have seen the blog{ or}?  Some replied that they had difficulty accessing it.
Father Anderson stated that it could be linked to the parish website and mentioned that a closed Facebook and Twitter accounts could be added.
            Norm asked when to have meetings: evenings, weekends ...No consensus reached
            Father Anderson closed the meeting with The Hail Mary, an invocation to St.
Dominic and his blessing. 

12. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 3, 7:00 pm. Parish Centre-Room 2


Monday, 11 January 2016

St. Dominic Refugee Committee Minutes, Jan. 6, 2016


1.  Opening Prayer: Nerina Murray led us in a prayer from Circle of Prayer by Nanor Kelenjian, a Lebanese nurse working with refugees.

2.  Present: Norm & Nerina Murray, Liz & Maury Whyte, Charmaine Aubut, Genevieve Poirier- Murphy, Bill Doyle and Georgina Bourke

3.  Committee Charter Norm Murray, Committee Chair reviewed a draft of the committee charter.
It includes most of the governance document presented by Fr. Anderson at the December 22 committee meeting. Additional areas include: Meetings, General Principles of Collaboration, Decision Making, Organization, Other Committees, Sponsorship Responsibilities (Pre-Arrival, Arrival Day, First 2 Weeks, 6 Months Post Arrival, 12 Months Post Arrival, Other Responsibilities).
The title of Co-Chair will change to Vice-Chair to keep the name consistent throughout the document.

4.  Fundraising Update: Brian Thornton sent an email that the fund is now $35,780.40. No new initiatives for fundraising were discussed.

5.Settlement Plan: Norm distributed a draft copy of the Diocese of Hamilton Office of Refugees Settlement Plan which seemed a bit complicated.
  Charmaine Aubut presented a copy of the Settlement Plan used by Halton Multicultural Society.   She was given this at a meeting that she attended on Refugee Sponsorship given by the Society. It     was decided by the committee that we would use the Plan from the Diocese for our Sponsorship    submission but we will use the Multicultural Settlement Plan as a working document.
 Committees listed include: A) Airport Welcome          B) Finding & Scouting Housing      C)  Shopping, Services & Transportation                    D) Finances    E) Interpretation &  Cultural  Sensitivity        F) Settlement & Community Services              G) Language Training,  Education & Job Search       H) Spirituality, Family Life & Child Care                              I) Health,  Clothing, Recreation & Sports      J) Crisis, Trauma & Emergencies
 Each category would have a person (Committee Member) responsible to oversee a sub committee. All persons who will work directly with the family must undergo Volunteer Screening and a Police Check. Someone who has occasional contact must be accompanied by a committee member when in contact with the family.

6.  Other Items Discussed:
                   Interpreters: professionals could cost $75. an hour
                   Storage: for small items, such as bedding, kitchen wear, food, etc.
                   Bill Doyle offered his daughter's assistance because she has experience with immigrants.
                   Housing: Nerina Murray talked to Halton Housing. They were most helpful and sent her several websites to explore and are willing to assist if needed. The probable cost of renting 2-3 bedroom accommodation would be $1,500.
                   The advisability of liaison with local parishes to share experiences with the sponsorship of refugees and settlement plans Norm said he would make initial contacts.
                   Norm stated that with the funds we have now we could sponsor a family of 4-6.

7.  Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 12, 7:30 pm. Parish Centre-Room 2

St. Dominic Refugee Committee Minutes, Dec. 22, 2015

1.     Opening Prayer: Fr. Anderson led us in The Lord's Prayer and asked St. Dominic  to intercede for us.

2.    Agenda: Norm Murray asked that item 10 be removed from the agenda as it has already been covered by the parish financial committee.

Present: Father Michael Anderson, Norm and Nerina Murray, Brian Thornton, Genevieve Poirier-Murphy, Charmaine Aubut, Karen Dysart, Liz and Maury Whyte, Bill Doyle and Georgina Bourke
Regrets: Helen Danko

3.  Approval of the Minutes: A motion was made by Fr. Anderson, seconded by Genevieve Poirier-Murphy to accept the minutes of the December 8 meeting as distributed.                                                                                      Motion carried

4.     Governance: Fr. Anderson presented those present with St. Dominic Parish Refugee Care Committee governance plan. The document was discussed and members were asked to review the contents for acceptance at the next meeting.

5.     Volunteer Screening: Fr. Anderson distributed the parish volunteer screening application form to be filled in by all committee members who will come in direct contact with refugee family members on a one to one basis. The form can be completed and dropped off at the parish office as soon as possible. The Vulnerable Sector Police Check can be provided as received.

6.     Vulnerable Sector Police Checks: Norm enquired on the status of police checks. Members can be reimbursed for the cost of the police check or receive an income tax receipt on presenting a receipt to the parish.

7.     Fundraising Update: Brian Thornton reported that as of December 22, $21, 832. had been donated. Fr. Anderson stated that a separate second collection will be taken up on Christmas.

Norm thanked Maury for the thermometer in the narthex.

8.     Items from December 8 Meeting
                  Erin Pease is reluctant to participate in an open parish meeting. It was the thought of the committee that a late January open parish meeting would be beneficial to give parishioners a general overview of the process of refugee sponsorship

perhaps using some of the slides from the sponsorship workshop.

                  Norm distributed an “Organization Planning” sheet listing many areas of responsibility. Some not mentioned include transportation, medical, employment, youth representative and translators. He asked those present to consider these committees and volunteer to lead a committee.

                  Norm asked if someone would be willing to put their name forward as Co-Chair to be able to assume the Chair when he is away. He asked that members think and pray over it for the next meeting.

9.     Government to cover transportation and admissibility screening for Syrian refugees Since the government is covering these costs we may not need as much as we had planned. On the other hand the cost of living here is higher and if we raise more than the $30,000. aimed for, the parish could sponsor a larger family.

11.     Cathedraticum Exemption: Brian has prepared a letter to Bishop Crosby asking for an exemption to the Diocesan Tax due on the funds raised to sponsor the Refugee Family.  It is to be signed by Fr. Anderson.

12. Other Business: The documents from Erin Pease's office will be available by Dec.25.
                   BVOR Diocesan Sponsorship Application
                  BVOR Settlement Plan
                  BVOR Budget Template

Genevieve asked whether volunteers would receive mileage allowance. It was decided that this would be discussed by the committee at another meeting.

Liz mentioned that the Sisters of Notre Dame have offered to assist wherever is seen fit.
Added comments from Liz 1.1.2016: Re:  Assistance from SSND.....Sr Mary Rose suggested that due to the aging population of the SSND living in Waterdown,  the Sisters are limited in what they can do physically to help, but, suggested a possible financial contribution.  I was asked if St Dominic was a Parish "in need "  or  could we most likely raise the required funds. I suggested the latter.   Sr Rose Mary suggested we  can review it.   Included in this discussion were others with much poorer parishes seeking donations.

Norm asked members to acquaint ourselves with Syria. It's customs, foods, history and cities.

Brian closed the meeting with the Doxology and an intercession to St. Dominic.

13.      Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 12, 2016    7:30 pm.

St. Dominic Refugee Committee, Minutes Dec. 8, 2015

1. Opening Prayer: Fr. Anderson offered prayer for a productive meeting.

2. Welcome: It was agreed by those present that Norm Murray would chair the committee.  He welcomed those present and thanked them for their involvement.
Present: Father Michael Anderson, Norm and Nerina Murray, Brian Thornton, Genevieve Poirier-Murphy, Charmaine Aubut and Georgina Bourke.  Regrets: William Doyle

3. Governing Committee Executive:
    a) Chair-Norm Murray
    b) Co-Chair-
    c) Finance-Brian Thornton           d) Secretary-Georgina Bourke
    e) Administrator/Spiritual Advisor-Fr. Michael Anderson

4. Responses to questions asked at the BVOR presentation December 2, 2015
   1. Government pays months 2-7 income support directly into refugee bank account.
   2. Sponsors assist refugees to set up a bank account.  Give family a monthly cheque to   cover support for month 1 and months 8-12.
   3.The parish must set up a separate bank account to receive donations and pay refugee and other expenses as needed.  Donations are eligible for an income tax receipt from the parish.

5. Review of presentation and document on BVOR Sponsorship
Norm pointed out highlights from the presentation document that was distributed to those present.
* Parish is responsible for all start up costs
* Monthly cheque (1 & 8-12) to cover food & incidentals, shelter, transportation (bus pass) if required and maternity dietary allowance
* Parish must have $30,000. in a separate account when submitting the sponsorship application
* Sponsors can assist or repay the Canadian Government immigration loan (transportation & admissibility) that the refugee family has received. which could be up to $20,000.
* All committee members must undergo High Risk volunteer screening which includes interview and references checked by the parish volunteer screening committee plus a police records check. The cost for which could be covered by the parish.
* All drivers of the refugee family must have the above plus $2,000,000. in auto liability insurance.
* A one time volunteer without the above clearance must be accompanied by a committee member who has been screened.
* A volunteer requiring monetary reimbursement for service shall be paid from the parish refugee fund account.
* Parish is responsible for reception in Canada, emotional and moral support, budget based on size of the family and emergency funding for health coverage that is not covered by the government.
* Committee to come to a consensus on desired refugee profile and family size.
* All refugees must be registered and granted Refugee Status Determination (RSD) with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
* UNHCR criteria for resettlement referral to Canada is based on at least meeting one of the following vulnerable conditions: needs legal/physical protection, survivor of violence/torture, medical needs, women & girls at risk, family reunification, children & adolescents at risk and no foreseeable solution to the situation.
* UNHCR decides to recommend a refugee for referral to Canada and completes a Refugee Resettlement Form (RRF) to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for consideration. If  CIC determines a refugee is eligible for settlement they are screened for admissibility with a medical exam and security and criminality screening.
* If CIC determines a refugee is eligible and admissible their names are proposed to BVOR for sponsorship.  Once a sponsor is found travel arrangements are made for the refugee to travel to Canada
* Specifying a religious preference is not recommended.  Religious affiliation is often not indicated and when stated, the family may not be participating members. It is our Christian responsibility to welcome any and all vulnerable people who are approved for resettlement. 
* Committee will have a limited time (approximately 1 week) to accept or decline a refugee profile.  Once the Diocese puts a hold on a case, the committee has 2 days to commit to sponsoring the refugee profile.
* Sponsors can expect to be informed of the family's arrival approximately 10 days ahead of time.   

6. Potential Committee Chairs: The following were not specifically addressed-housing
& household needs, clothing, schooling, language, shopping, filling in government application forms, banking, parish communication and fund raising.
Fr. Anderson will update parishioners on the refugee status as we proceed.
Nerina will ask Maury Whyte to make a chart that displays our fund raising goals. 

7. General Parish Meeting: A meeting should be held in the new year to fully inform  parishioner of the program details and answer questions,  Norm will contact Erin Pease to ask if she would be able to attend.

9. Other Business: 3 documents will be available from Erin Pease's office on Dec.15.
* BVOR Diocesan Sponsorship Application
* BVOR Settlement Plan
* BVOR Budget Template
Parish must have $30,000. and the BVOR Diocesan Sponsorship Application completed to apply to the diocese to sponsor a family.
Fr. Anderson will set up parish volunteer screening.
He will draft a document illustrating areas of volunteer needs and job descriptions for these areas.

10. Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 7:30 pm.